Paint Enrichment Workshop
Looking for an ongoing activity for your preschooler? Well, Sippy-n-Splatter is a great addition to your preschool day-to-day curriculum, after-school or holiday break activity.
For $14, each preschooler will enjoy two 45 min workshops per month.
7.00 each 60 min session registers your inspired artists in our Paint Enrichment Workshop.
Here is what we offer:
Sketch -2- Paint
Mixed Media
Color Exploration & Color Blending
Free Art (self-expression)
Sketch -2- Paint
Mixed Media
Children will incorporate different arts & craft items in their painting that improves hand-eye coordination and enhances decision making.
Sketch -2- Paint
Most artist sketch and/or trace out the vision before painting. This workshop will allow the lil artist to sketch by visual reference and then outline to paint their masterpiece. This strengthens focus, creativity, self-expression, discipline and risk-taking.
Color Exploration
Color Exploration & Color Blending
Children learn creativity, self-expression, discipline and risk-taking when exploring, mixing and blending colors. The older we get, unfortunately, rational thinking or contemplating overrides risk-taking, even with colors. We become trapped in what matches and what colors go with what. When children explore the colors in them, they become inspired, and it improves self-confidence that helps them also work through emotions and initiates creativity.
Free Art (self-expression)
When children get an opportunity to express the colors in them and manipulate a paintbrush on a canvas or paper, their fine motor skills improve, communicate ideas personally, spiritually and more.
"Your life is already artful - waiting, just waiting for you to make it ART" ~ Toni Morrison